Dionysis Ammolochitis

Manifest strategic partner in FM

Below you can read the interview I gave to HR Professional magazine (November 2011 issue)  about the importance of facility management and  the reasons that justify the remarkable course of the company of which I am CEO as well as my plans for the future.

1. What is facility management and how does it relate to the current economic situation?

Facility management arises as a view and practice, according to which, all services in an industrial, manufacturing, administrative, storage, etc. facility, related to maintenance, care, safety and orderly its operation is assigned to an external body. Practice successful and widespread internationally, both in the US, which is the metropolis of the system, and in Europe.

Of course, the system generates spectrum savings with the natural consequence of serious savings, however, perhaps the most crucial, is that it enables the management of the facility to transfer, to assign specialized needs and maintenance requirements.

In conclusion, the adoption of the FM system does not depend on the current economic situation, but is an autonomous necessity which, however, is decisively favored by it.

2. What is the “version” of Manifest-Services on the facility management;

For Manifest-Services, a fundamental factor that explains our physiognomy is the commitment to the Total Quality of the result, which is an integral part of our strategic operational planning.

We provide flexible, evolving solutions, constantly improving, with an in-depth understanding of relevant processes and maintenance requirements as well as alignment with the philosophy of the i n-house management team.

Each new project is for us a new challenge in full swing, which requires holistic know-how for the operation of the facility. We propose the desired specifications at the optimist cost, without endangering or questioning the Total Quality.

3. What benefits do your customers get from this service?

The f acility management, for Manifest-Services, a structured, coherent and designed in every texture, business proposal as an integral and critical part of the operational planning of the installation.

We analyze, design, coordinate, implement and optimize solutions from international innovative practices achieving:

  • Reduction and fixed costs regardless of changes in the socio-economic environment.

  • Reduction of operating costs through the overall management of the service package.

  • Unblocking the installation from introversion in areas not related to our client’s main activity.

  • Enrichment in know h ow with an exemplary example of the prevention of failures and emergencies, by consolidating favorable conditions of calm and security for the people of the facility, which allows them to perform to the maximum of their potential.

Thus, the facility has a person to communicate, a single, dedicated team, a process, a single control system, a single service system.

4. Is f acility m managing a fashion or a situation-imposed decision?

The f acility management is the new landscape, the new reality is a basic need and highest priority facilities. It is an adaptation to global conditions, demands and evolving needs.

This new model is first introduced by the multinationals established in Greece. As a fashion, companies perceived individual services industry, companies aftanagorefomenes f acility management.

5. Manifest-Services, despite the difficulties of the times, is charting a remarkable course in its industry. What are the main axes and components that compose this course?

We are going through a period where we enjoy the recognition of the efforts and the work we have done in the last 9 years.

This remarkable course of the f acility management industry can be explained and summarized in one component. A component that is clear, persistent, with a strong position, Total Quality, in which we invest continuously for the benefit of our customers, who reciprocate it with long-term and stable relationships of trust. Trust that is an honor and at the same time increased responsibility, with the scope of our devotion to their needs and their service.

6. What are your future plans and goals?

Our future plans and goals are reflected in the articulated Vision of Manifest-Services:

“To become world famous as a company of excellence in the field of f acility management”.

So, taking advantage of the opportunities, adapting our organizational structure and financial structure, we move as follows:

We are creating a business unit as a headquarters in Northern Greece (Thessaloniki), not only for the development of our network, which is already strong with 27 service points. But, mainly as a basis for expansion in the direction of the Balkans and as a second step in Western Europe.

7. We are at the center of a crisis, how does it affect the course of Manifest-Services?

We are going through a really difficult economic situation, of indefinite duration, in a fluid global setting. Through the crisis, two persons emerge, of difficulties and, respectively, of opportunities.

However, the landscape is changing. It is certain. Anyone who does not adapt to the new requirements will be left behind. This happens in life, in society, in business – everywhere. And in this field the exceptions have no place.

Through the realistic assessment of the capabilities of Manifest-Services and the reasonable assessment for a significant increase in demand for integrated solutions, as market trends show that there is a shift of facilities in the choice of f acility management solutions , we strengthen our optimism to increase the pace our development.